Friday, February 10, 2012
we h Long before Africans pride was savaged by imperialists, Purity and culture was preserved by traditional organizations led by a council of elders.
Njuri Ncheke supreme council of elders among the meru community is such an organization formed in the year 1842.
It was a supreme legislative body of meru people that made all laws rules and regulations.
His divine majesty, the Mugwe of Meru Njuri Ncheke Gaita Baikiao, explained that the elders sat at their headquarters after a period of 10 years to review and pass laws but could meet a time in case of emergency.
According to the spiritual leader, the council held its first meeting at Nchiru where leadership has always been one by the‘curse’ of Kaura-o-Becau.
Having the curse placed on their head meant there cannot be two bodies of Njuri other than the royal one and cannot perform functions outside their roles.
In the same sitting it was resolved that the council would be the supreme body in respect of government, religion and culture of meru people.
Therefore once a law, rule or regulation was passed it bound each member of meru community and whoever contravened the same was liable for punishment.
The council further acted as a branch of government by enforcing the sentence condemned to a convicted criminal
Traditions and culture adherence was never a negligence despite the fact that they were not Muslims, Buddhists nor Christians.
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