Monday, February 27, 2012
visit any church today and you will be dismayed at the way ladies dress when they attend a church service on Sunday.
If one had not woken up on a Sunday morning not knowing they were going to church, then they would mistakenly think they were attending a disco or a party.
The Ladies, especially the teenagers attend church scantily dressed in tight jeans and what they call spaghetti tops and yet they are attending church to worship the living God, Jehovah who ought to be revered and honored.
If the young ladies happen to seat at the pew ahead of you, then you will defiantly get to know the colour of underwear she is fitted in. You will also get to see part of her back and bottom which is not exactly what one wants to see when they go to church to pray.
Worse still, if the girl drops an item on the floor and chooses to collect it then you defiantly will get a glimpse of her breasts popping out of her revealing blouse.
It is high time decency is restored in places of worship if the Holy Spirit is to be manifested and if the honour that the house of God ought to given is to be retained.
Where are the pastors and parents who ought to give the youth and especially the young girls a sense of direction? A church should not be a place where one goes to seduce members of the opposite sex but a house where you meet God to worship, to praise, to give thanks, to repent and hear the word of God and receive healing.
However this is not so in our churches today because people have interfered with the move of God’s spirit by the way they present themselves before him.
Men have managed to be decent in church and normally dress well when they go to church only to have their focus on prayer and worship interrupted by ladies who are improperly dressed.
Why have moral values decayed so much in our society today that people no longer revere God even in his own temple? Why have pastors remained silent as indecency permeates the altar of God and they do not battle an eye lid.
Is it because they do not want to lose their flock or is it because we are living in the 21st century where indecency is the in thing.
Decency in the church must be upheld if the church is to serve as the salt of the earth. It is an abomination for anyone to go before God while indecently dressed for God is Holy.
Parents need to give their daughters direction and maintain a dress code for church. It is okay to go visiting friends in tight jeans and spaghetti tops. It’s also okay to wear this casual outfits to a football game or while going shopping but indecent clothes have no place in church.
The church must draw a line between what is right or wrong otherwise God will judge the church and hold them accountable for not providing guidance to its followers.
If young ladies can dress decently when they attend job interviews, why can’t they dress decently when the go to church for only two hours. The Youth need direction and will listen if parents do not fear to lose out on their popularity with them and set standards.
Many young people do not know what to wear to which occasion and would be glad if their parents can advise them.
Indecency must be left out of the church at all costs if the presence of God is to be felt and to remain in the church like it was in the early days when miracles were persistently in the church.
The bible states very clearly on issues concerning Christian living and how people ought to conduct themselves.
The church is not a casual place where people should wear jeans and shorts or miniskirts. It is a house of worship where people are also baptized, receive Holy Communion, listen to the word of God, where they exchange marriage vows and are presented during the final journey of passing
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